Class XI & XII Studies

Higher Secondary Education (Class 10+2 Level)  

After 10th Board exams, there is little time to relax and there is ample scope to utilize this time for future academic planning and laying the foundation in order to avoid the upcoming pressure of 10+2 education along with entrance exam scenario. A students just appearing class X, usually doesn’t have the requisite mathematical base to start 10+2 Science with physics and chemistry. Early starting classes will bridge up this gap. Therefore we have planned to focus on these lacunas and strengthen the student’s fundamental on each and every topics of 10+2 science.

Securing best possible performance in Board exams and getting through Medical & Engineering entrance examination remains the key word. This two (2) years of extensive preparation with all perfect schedule developed by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Academy (ICVA). will enable the students to achieve both the milestones with flying colors. A complete balance between Board Exam (e.g.  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian School Certificate (ISC)  and other State level Boards) and Entrance exams are been taken care of. Instead of following artificially hyped teaching methodology which is prevalent, here in Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Academy.  we make the topic simplified for easy grasping which enables the student to succeed in any form of entrance based examination. For example, we don't teach IIT physics or Medical physics as is done elsewhere, we teach complete physics or chemistry there by building a foundation of the aspirants.

Teaching Methodology    

Academic     Calendar: The     Academic Board of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Academy, systematically analyses the     syllabus of Board & various Entrance Exam and develops an     Academic Calendar for the academic year with the schedule of Tests,     Unit Tests. This Academic Calendar will be distributed to every     student in the 1st     Class of the session.    

Specialist     Faculty: Specialized     subject-wise Faculty guide and nurture the students so that they     avail the in-depth knowledge and essence of a particular subject —     this, in turn creates their interest in a subject. If a student is     not able to follow a particular topic in a class, the relevant     Teacher explain the topic on a one-on-one basis with the student     after the regular class.    

Worksheet: To     enhance the problem-solving ability and intelligence level of the     students, Worksheets are provided to every student after completion     of each chapter. These, in turn, are corrected by the faculty     members with their expert comments.    

Tests – Class Tests, Phase Tests and Mock Tests: Regular     tests are conducted to monitor the knowledge acquired by the     students throughout the year. Tests, like Chapter Wise Class Tests,     Phase Tests and Mock Tests are offered to all students. Model     answers are provided after the tests — this act as a guide to the     students for right answering methods to score the highest marks in     the Board exams and good rank in Entrance Exam.    

Performance     Analysis: Performance     Assessment and Appraisal are conducted regularly through evaluation     of Worksheet and various Tests. This helps the teacher to take     necessary corrective action through remedial classes and special     support to individual students.    

Remedial     Classes: Additional     classes are provided to need-based students for further     clarification of their doubts. In addition, since different schools     follow different schedule of the syllabus, these remedial classes     act as a help to the student.    

Vacation     Classes: During     Long Vacation like Summer, Rainy and Puja Vacation, special classes     are provided to the students of Class XI & XII for enhancement     of their school, Board & Entrance syllabus.

Digital Support

Power-Point-Presentation: Our     Specialist Faculty team conduct classes on important topics of     specific subjects through Power Point Presentation that helps the     students get a clear conceptual knowledge of the chapters.    

ON-LINE     Classes: Our     highly qualified and experienced Faculty team across the Globe (USA,     Germany, Dubai etc.) will take ON-LINE classes on important topics     of specific subjects.    

Doubt     clearing class:     The objective of doubt clearing classes is to provide additional     attention and care to the students. It helps those students who     couldn’t understand a concept at first which is now affecting     their performance. Doubt clearing class will be taken by highly     experienced professors/teachers. These classes will be arranged     outside our academic window. 

Parent-Teachers Meet

The two vital guides of students are their parents and their teacher. They are the best judges of the student’s advancement, his/her shortcomings and his/her academic requirement as well as his/her liking or disliking for the various subject. It is therefore essential that the parents and teachers meet from time to time and share their opinions and views. At Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Academy, the Parent-Teacher meet is conducted on a regular basis to ensure that the students get the best support — at home and in Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Academy.

The 2-years Programme commences from April, 2023. The programmes are meticulously designed to guide the hardworking and sincere students towards achieving the ultimate success in Class XII Board Exam and JEE (Main & Advanced), WBJEE & NEET 

Course Structure for H.S. of class 11 and 12 (2023-’25)